
500 Foxcroft Avenue, Suite B, Martinsburg, WV 25404

Voice: 304-901-5719       Fax: 304-901-2903


We want your experience to be Sterling! … but we’ll need your help!

Here is a check list that will help you prepare, and make you feel like a pro!


You Will Need to Bring the Following:


*Your State Issued Driver’s License or State Issued Identification or Passport.

*An official, bank issued check (typically referred to as a Cashier’s Check) for the amounts conferred by our settlement team – or you can contact us for wiring instructions to remit your funds.


*A copy of your homeowner’s insurance policy / invoice. We will need this information to remit payment to your insurance agent. 


*Copy of any credit card statements that will be paid as part of the transaction. Please make sure this copy includes the full account number and payment mailing address.



We do have a guest wi-fi connection and printer available for our clients,

should you realize that you need to retrieve a missing document.


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